First in the world

  • The first person to Reach north pole was Robert Peray.

  • The first person to reach south pole was         Amundsen .

  • The first country to print paper currency       was China.

  • The first country to host modern Olympics     was Greece.

  • The first Prime Minister of Britain was           Robert Walpole. 

  • The first Secretary General of united Nations was  Trygav lie of Norway. 

  • The first country to prepare constitution       was USA.

  • The first person to sail around the world       WAS MAGELLAN.

  • The first spacecraft to reach on Mars was      VIKING-1.

  • The first female Prime Minister of England   MARGARET THATCHER.

  • The first woman to climb Mount Everest       MRS JUNKO TABEI OF JAPAN.

  • First woman to Win gold medal in Olympics  Charlotte Cooper of UK in tennis   In 1900.

  • First Asian city  to host Olympics was             TOKYO, JAPAN IN 1964.

  • The first woman president of a country was Maria Estela Peron of Argentina from 1974 to 1976. 


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